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Apple iPhone XR (A2105) 4G Bands and Combos

Modem Specification
Modem Model Intel XMM 7560
Release Year 2018
LTE DL/UL Modulation256QAM / 64QAM
LTE Bands 1, 3, 7, 8, 20, 28, 32, 38, 40
LTE Category (DL/UL) 16 / 5
LTE Max Speed (DL/UL) 1000 / 75 Mbps
DL Band/CA  DL MIMO (Streams) UL Band/CA
1-12+2 (4)1
1C2+2 (4)1
3-1-12+2+2 (6)1
3-12+2 (4)1
3-1C2+2+2 (6)1
3-3-12+2+2 (6)1
3-32+2 (4)3
3-3-12+2+2 (6)3
3-12+2 (4)3
3-1-12+2+2 (6)3
3-1C2+2+2 (6)3
3C-1-12+2+2+2 (8)1
3C-12+2+2 (6)1
3C2+2 (4)3
3C-12+2+2 (6)3
3C-1-12+2+2+2 (8)3
7-12+2 (4)1
7-3-12+2+2 (6)1
7-3-32+2+2 (6)3
7-32+2 (4)3
7-3-12+2+2 (6)3
7-3C-12+2+2+2 (8)1
7-3C2+2+2 (6)3
7-3C-12+2+2+2 (8)3
7-7-3-32+2+2+2 (8)3
7-7-32+2+2 (6)3
7-72+2 (4)7
7-7-32+2+2 (6)7
7-7-3-32+2+2+2 (8)7
7-12+2 (4)7
7-32+2 (4)7
7-3-12+2+2 (6)7
7-3-32+2+2 (6)7
7-3C2+2+2 (6)7
7-3C-12+2+2+2 (8)7
7B-32+2+2 (6)3
7B2+2 (4)7
7B-32+2+2 (6)7
7C-12+2+2 (6)1
7C-3-12+2+2+2 (8)1
7C-32+2+2 (6)3
7C-3-12+2+2+2 (8)3
7C-3C2+2+2+2 (8)3
7C2+2 (4)7
7C-12+2+2 (6)7
7C-32+2+2 (6)7
7C-3-12+2+2+2 (8)7
7C-3C2+2+2+2 (8)7
8-12+2 (4)1
8-3-12+2+2 (6)1
8-3-32+2+2 (6)3
8-32+2 (4)3
8-3-12+2+2 (6)3
8-7-12+2+2 (6)1
8-72+2 (4)7
8-7-12+2+2 (6)7
8-12+2 (4)8
8-32+2 (4)8
8-3-12+2+2 (6)8
8-72+2 (4)8
8-7-12+2+2 (6)8
20-12+2 (4)1
20-3-12+2+2 (6)1
20-32+2 (4)3
20-3-12+2+2 (6)3
20-3C2+2+2 (6)3
20-7-12+2+2 (6)1
20-7-3-12+2+2+2 (8)1
20-7-32+2+2 (6)3
20-7-3-12+2+2+2 (8)3
20-7-3C2+2+2+2 (8)3
20-72+2 (4)7
20-7-12+2+2 (6)7
20-7-32+2+2 (6)7
20-7-3-12+2+2+2 (8)7
20-7-3C2+2+2+2 (8)7
20-12+2 (4)20
20-32+2 (4)20
20-3-12+2+2 (6)20
20-3C2+2+2 (6)20
20-72+2 (4)20
20-7-12+2+2 (6)20
20-7-32+2+2 (6)20
20-7-3-12+2+2+2 (8)20
20-7-3C2+2+2+2 (8)20
28-1-12+2+2 (6)1
28-12+2 (4)1
28-3-12+2+2 (6)1
28-32+2 (4)3
28-3-12+2+2 (6)3
28-7-12+2+2 (6)1
28-72+2 (4)7
28-7-12+2+2 (6)7
28-12+2 (4)28
28-1-12+2+2 (6)28
28-32+2 (4)28
28-3-12+2+2 (6)28
28-72+2 (4)28
28-7-12+2+2 (6)28
32-202+2 (4)20
38C2+2 (4)38
40-402+2 (4)40
40C2+2 (4)40

Combinations on the table: 103

Explanations of markings

Band Numbers present different frequency, here list of LTE Bands and NR Bands . Character after number is Bandwith Class mark. Full explanation in

LTE CA Bandwidth Class
Class MHz Max number of CC Example
A2013A or 3

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